Thursday, May 27, 2010

Body Building

In my younger days, starting in high school, I lifted weights. It was just something that the athletes did to help in development and train for sports. It was not part of the schools program; we had to go to a local gym that specialized in body building for body building competition.

There were different types of programs depending upon what you wanted to accomplish. In all of the programs, there were the basics, exercise, nutrition and rest. I can remember the season of life I was in and the purpose for lifting, which is not the topic of conversation for now.

My regimen went like this; Monday, Wednesday and Friday were lift days. This meant that on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I rested. The diet went something like this; I would leave work and hit McDonalds. I would order three hamburger patties and a chocolate shake, no bun, no pickles, no catsup. This caused quite a stir for the first two to three weeks. “You can’t just order the meat; you have to get the bun also”. Different days and different crews is why it took so long. Eventually, when they saw me coming, my order would be ready. After my workout, that took about two hours, I would go eat dinner.

Weight lifting workouts went something like this; stationary bike for about 10 minutes (warm up), squats and leg lifts (lower body), then arms and chest (upper body). The regimen was heavy weight, few repetitions, for building mass in the muscles. For definition or cut, it would be light weight and many, many repetitions’. In that framework were sets, usually three sets of ten or three sets of fifteen.

Most exercise or weight loss trainers will tell you that if you have a partner your workout will be easier; it’s that encouragement and accountability thing.

The manager of the gym told my workout partner and myself that he had never seen anyone “bulk up” as fast as we did, and he was a “professional body builder” himself and performed in body building competition. I will admit, we were committed to body building and each other.

Of course there is a point to my writing.

If you will turn with me in the Bible to Ephesians the fourth chapter and the eleventh verse, I will begin. Context: Paul is writing to the Ephesians to instruct them about the way they should live their lives when they become Christians and what God has done to enable them to do so. In verse one Paul instructs them to “walk in a manner worthy of your calling”, that of being a Christ follower.

Ephesians 4: 11,12 “And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, and to the building up of the body of Christ”.

These people are your partners in your spiritual workout. These are the people who instruct you and guide you in your own maturing in Christ-likeness. These are the people who feed you, develop you, set out a regimen or a program for you to follow and learn the ways of Christ; in order that, you may grow to the point of feeding yourself and then move on to become one who instructs others; that you may become one who develops others and help them get stronger and wiser in their walk with the Lord.

And that brings me to the a few more verses. Ephesians 4: 13, “to the attaining of unity”. Unity doesn’t mean sameness. As in the military, a unit could be a squad, it could be a platoon, it could be a company; many members with one goal or purpose.

Ephesians 4:14 “no longer tossed about by waves or carried about by doctrine, or trickery of men”. In other words, you will know the truth about Jesus and not be persuaded by men that there are “other truths” you should know about.

Ephesians 4:16 “the whole body is being fitted and held together, for the proper work of the body”. God has a plan and a purpose for the “Body of Christ”, the body as a whole, and each individual member. Don’t think you are not important. In I Corinthians 12 Paul discusses the body and the functioning of the body by use of the “gifts of the Holy Spirit”. In this passage he declares, if we were all an eye where would the sense of smell be? This is another topic for another day.

But for now, ‘We really do need each other”. Stay close to others, don’t wander off, don’t get caught up in the philosophies of man, don’t mix the Bible with the other religion’s teaching or the worlds teaching. Find that person or a group of people who you can encourage and be encouraged, where you can be accountable and hold others accountable. Don’t forget to rest… rest in the ever loving arms of the Savior, Jesus.

So, what do you say, you ready to partner-up? Let’s do some “body building”!

Following the Shepherd,

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