Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Truth About Relatives

There is a new “reality” show on T.V. now, 2010. I don’t know what the name is, but some of the stars are Lisa Kudro, Spike Lee, and Brook Shield. I have not watched it; I only have seen the “trailers” and advertisements for it. But, these people look for their relatives from decades and centuries past and see how they have come from a long line of kings and queens. If I’m wrong, someone please let me know. I doubt if any of these stars will find a scoundrel in their family tree.

If I were to say to you, “How many of you are related to “Jack the Ripper?” would you raise your hand? What about Gingis Kahn? What about Mao? Even if you are not oriental, could your search bring you to a point in history to show you are related. I have heard of many family tree searches that lead to kings and queens and people of prominence being found by the person doing the search. None tell you that you come from a long line of “gypsies, tramps and thieves”.

And there are some that tell you, “Your first ancestors were apes”. It is that evolutionary strand that runs through all of us. Darwin told his followers that, “If my theories are found to be wrong in the future, discount all that I have said or thought”. And many have, but some kept the myth, the lie, alive for their own purposes. But, no one from that “camp” tells you that about Darwin. Yes, apes have a similar DNA and the word “similar” is the key. The term for a “word studier” escapes me at the present, it begins with and “e”. The word similar does not mean “the same” or “identical”. It more describes things that are closely related, and that seems to be related to our topic. There are distinct differences and not interchangeable in DNA structure. No, I’m not a scientist, but I play one on T.V. You don’t have to be a scientist to think logical about many issues outside your expertise.

Example: The space scientists are looking for water on Mars or one of the other planets they have landed and “planet exploration devise”, a robot. Because they know water is a key to maintaining life, as we know it. My thinking is this: What does it take to make water? You need some H’s and some 2’s and some O’s, then these elements have to be connected in the right form or fashion. The scientist can’t make the connection in the laboratory, so why does he think he can make the connection in space? Oh yes, one other thing. When we do send a man in space what does he take with him? He has to take some H’s, some 2’s and some O’s. He has to take along water and oxygen. If there’s no oxygen there can be no water. Does that make sense?

That’s the type of thing I am talking about when it comes to relatives. If you look back you will find some really bad people in your past. It may not take but a few generations. If your last name is James, are you related to Jesse James? If two people have the same last name are they related? If one is of Caucasian descent and the other is of African or Asian descent? How did it happen and where did it all start? I thought you’d never ask.

I am not sure if I have written anything, lately, that did not turn to the spiritual side of things. I take everything to the Bible and see if it makes sense from that perspective. Why, you ask? If you want a thorough explanation go to Josh McDowell’s Evidence that Demands a Verdict. My short version is this. It was written over a period of about 4000 years, by 40 authors, with varying roles and occupations from Kings to doctors, to shepherds, and fishermen, on two continents, and is the explanation of God’s story about man. And one more, small item, it is without contradiction.

Back to relatives: We’re all in this together. It is explained over and over in the Bible. In the beginning… God…. Then it tells us that He created man and woman. Them be our relatives. You can read the “begat’s” in Genesis. But then, God became angry with “those men” (several decades later), and destroyed the earth with a flood, saving only eight, Noah’s family. Then… them be out relatives.

But to my point…. Why should we find some scoundrels in our family tree? It is because of the other issue about our relatives. That is the sin issue. God removed Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden because they disobeyed Him and broke the relationship of love, obedience and trust. God gave them the tree of life and the tree of good and evil, as we now call them. They chose the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If then, they would have eaten from the tree of life; they would have spent eternity in the state of disobedience, sin, with no way out. So, God removed them from the Garden to protect them. In that process, He made a sacrifice, a blood offering. From that point on, man was a scoundrel. That’s the long – story – short.

So, don’t believe everything you hear and see on T.V., or the internet, even my stuff, read the books…, the what? Do people read anymore? I mean books. But, that’s another topic for another day. I think there are more people today who are illiterate than in times past. They read blogs and face book and twitter, and opinions about opinions. They read anything except the material that presents the facts.

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Following the Shepherd,

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